10 More Terrifying Horror Movies Set During Daylight

2. Funny Games (1997/2007)

YellowBrickRoad Movie
Warner Independent Pictures

Be it the 1997 original or Anglicised 2007 remake, Michael Haneke's Funny Games remains the crème de la crème when it comes to the home invasion subgenre. Suspenseful and unsettling throughout, Haneke's story is of two young men holding a family hostage and torturing them through a series of sadistic games, but there are a number of unique features the director uses to give Funny Games an identity of its own.

The fourth-wall-breaking commentaries, sudden switches in background music, and choppy jump scares are all synonymous with the movie. However, what arguably separates Funny Games from rival home invasion flicks is how the majority of the film takes place throughout a pleasant summer's day.

A powerful commentary on violence in Hollywood, the only justification these two young men give for their heinous acts is that it's the filmmaker's wish. You never should forget the importance of entertainment, after all.

The 2007 English-speaking remake is definitely the more polished of the two movies, turning the light up across most of its scenes compared to its predecessor, but both are equally good at bringing out the terror from these two young men dressed all in white.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.