10 More Times Actors Had To Get Drunk To Shoot Their Scenes

1. Peter O'Toole & Omar Sharif - Lawrence Of Arabia

Lawrence Of Arabia Peter O Toole Omar Sharif
Columbia Pictures

Peter O'Toole gave an unforgettable performance in Lawrence of Arabia, and much like Robert Shaw, the famous boozer used alcohol as part of his acting process.

When O'Toole and Omar Shariff shot the famous Aqaba raid sequence, they were required to ride camels while leading 400 extras on a charge, and after Sharif considered tying himself to his camel to avoid falling off and being injured or even killed, O'Toole responded that he was going to get drunk instead.

Sharif joined him and the pair apparently drank numerous glasses of brandy and milk before shooting the iconic scene. Time Magazine's review praised O'Toole's "messianic fury”, to which he characteristically responded, "Messianic fury’? I was p***ed as a pillow!”

O'Toole in particular may have never needed much of an excuse for a drink, but can you really blame the guy on this occasion?

What are your favourite movie scenes that actors had to get soused to shoot? Shout them out in the comments!

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.