10 Most Absurd Forgotten Moments In Star Wars History
8. Grogu Probably Would Have Tried Eating Frog Lady's Newborn Baby - The Mandalorian

Two things are always guaranteed whenever young Din Grogu is present on-screen.
The Force-sensitive lad will leave you chuckling or punching the air on the back of a hilarious, sweet, or unquestionably epic act.
Or he'll be stuffing some form of food into his tiny gob.
And as season two of The Mandalorian highlighted, it didn't matter whether said grub came in the form of a few unborn children either. If it looked edible, your boy was going to give it a try.
That call memorably came back to haunt him during Chapter 10: The Passenger, with Din Djarin, Grogu, and the Frog Lady being chased by a bunch of ice spiders due to the former youngling's voracious appetite.
But the fact the foundling actually scoffed both the spiders and Frog Lady's unfertilised youngsters often overshadows another rather eerie potential horror that threatened to go down one episode later.
As Grogu sits beside the proud mother and father and plays with their little new Frog Baby, most assumed The Child was simply playing with the newborn.
In reality, though, there's every chance he was merely playing with another potential meal, with Grogu's upset reaction at being dragged away by Mando and the fact he'd regularly been seen munching on frogs in the past both hinting at a dark fate for Frog Lady's child if they were left it unattended...