10 Most Annoying Minor Characters In The MCU

7. Pvt. Lorraine

Kat Dennings Darcy Thor The Dark World
Marvel Studios

With Natalie Dormer’s career still on the ascent, she could be a good pick for the roles of Emma Frost, Sue Storm, Namora, Felicia Hardy, and so on...

Unfortunately, she’s already in the MCU as the irritating and unpleasant Pvt. Lorraine in Captain America: The First Avenger. Yes, the role is minor enough that she could still return, but even without locking Dormer into a throwaway role, Lorraine is one of the MCU’s worst.

She seduces Captain America, and while the brief appearance was never going to offer much depth, she comes across as the MCU’s shallowest character ever. She’s curt at first, doing a double take before her eyes light up at the sight of Rogers.

She flirts with him, talking about how accomplished he is and how the women of America owe him, but it’s all so slimy and self serving. She wants him because she wants to be Captain America’s gal; it’s hardly about him at all.

The scene exists to show Steve’s naivety and shyness around women, as well as to set up some tension between him and Peggy, but it’s so forced that Lorraine comes off as a pantomime villain amongst an otherwise largely nuanced cast.

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