10 Most Annoying Minor Characters In The MCU

5. Jasper Sitwell

Kat Dennings Darcy Thor The Dark World
Marvel Studios

You could make the argument that Jasper Sitwell is supposed to be annoying, but realistically that doesn’t make him any less worthy of a place on the list.

All throughout Captain America: The Winter Soldier (and to a lesser extent the wider MCU), we learn that several supporting characters are HYDRA agents under deep cover. Sitwell is one of these such agents, but he doesn’t exactly fit in with the other ones.

The Winter Soldier himself, Crossbones and the other elevator thugs are all physically imposing, and while Cap is able to get the best of them, still put up a fight. Then there’s Alexander Pierce and Senator Stern, both in positions of power, that give HYDRA a sense of legitimacy, purpose and an illuminati vibe.

Sitwell though is just a dweeb. Yes, he’s shown to be very good at the technological side of things, and likely is crucial to their operation. The first mission on Batroc’s ship is all to save him, so he must be important, even if he’s annoying.

Unlike Pierce and Crossbones, he isn’t willing to die for the cause either, proving once and for all that he’s an utter dweeb.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)