10 Most Annoying Minor Characters In The MCU

4. Maya Hansen

Kat Dennings Darcy Thor The Dark World
Marvel Studios

It feels a little bit harsh on Maya Hansen to have her here, considering studio meddling hamstrung her right from the start. However, watching the movie in insolation, you can’t really excuse how irritating she is.

Iron Man 3 director and writer Shane Black’s initial script had a female villain, widely believed to be if not specifically Maya Hansen, at least the actress who plays her, Rebecca Hall.

However, Marvel executives nixed the idea, fearing a female villain wouldn’t sell as many toys. This led to Black rewriting the script with Hansen pushed to the side and Guy Pierce’s Aldrich Killian becoming the central baddie.

Harsh as it might seem on someone of Rebecca Hall’s talents, if the studio were putting up so much resistance, it might have been better to can the character altogether, rather than shoehorn her into the script.

Right now, she basically plugs gaps in the script and is everything and nothing; involved in most of the arcs yet of very little value to the overall story.

The whole saga begs another question too: which unlucky children ended up with an Aldrich Killian toy?

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)