10 Most Anticipated Horror Movies Still To Come In 2023
8. Thanksgiving

For many years, Eli Roth was known as the maestro of gratuitous violence. But when the Hostel director made Death Wish and The House with a Clock in its Walls, people wondered if Roth was done with the genre that defined his career.
That's why it's reassuring to hear Roth is returning to horror, with a movie that's been gestating for over a decade, Thanksgiving. In this slasher, a mass murderer ventures to a small town, where he prepares to create a holiday carving, compiled of the victims he slays.
Originally cooked up to serve as a parody trailer for the grindhouse double-feature, Death Proof and Planet Terror, it wasn't long before fans were demanding this teaser be adapted into a legitimate movie. (It worked for Machete.)
Roth had every intention of turning his spoof into a real film, but the project never materialised.
Until now. Thanksgiving is set to be released this year during...well... Thanksgiving, so we're hoping to see an official trailer very soon. If the film is anything like the mock trailer, expect a cheesy love letter to low-budget exploitation flicks, sprinkled with outlandish gore.