10 Most Anxiety-Inducing Movie Scenes EVER

1. Zodiac - Basement

Prometheus C Section Scene
Warner Bros.

If anyone's going to get your pulse racing with an incredibly crafted, intense movie scene, it's gotta be David Fincher. The man knows precisely how to play an audience to the point where they question everything - Se7en and Fight Club serving as early examples - and his finest mind-f*cking work in that vein is definitely found in Zodiac.

A taught mystery wrapped up with a true story bow, the film dissects the real case of the Zodiac serial killer in the 60s and 70s. Jake Gylenhaall plays cartoonist Robert Graysmith, who becomes obsessed with the Zodiac case covered by his newspaper. His search for the truth goes hot and cold intermittently, until one chance lead appears in Bob Vaughn, who could point him straight to the killer.

Graysmith has posters he believes to be drawn by the Zodiac. Upon questioning Vaughn in his home, it becomes apparent that his suspect didn't pen them, but Vaughn himself did. He wants to take Graysmith into his basement to prove it.

It's here where everything starts to feel distorted and wrong, with a Californian basement both a rarity and an association of the Zodiac, and then creaking throughout the house indicating that the pair aren't alone. Graysmith desperately tries to act cordial to keep everything seeming normal - which makes for the most nail-biting, creepy experience you'll get in cinema without anything actually happening.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.