10 Most Brutal Deaths In James Bond Films

8. Saunders - The Living Daylights


During the 80's the Bond films developed a tradition of having a likeable ally for Bond, usually a fellow agent, meet a grisly end about half way through the film.

Saunders was a proper old-school, by-the-book, British agent who at first didn't like Bond and didn't really want to work with him. He even attempted to disgrace Bond in a mission report.

However as the film progressed, Bond and Saunders began to see eye-to-eye and work well together. The start of a wonderful working relationship you may think? Well unfortunately Necros, the blond baddie of the film, rigs a pair of automatic doors with explosives and causes them to close very quickly, crushing Saunders as he walks through them. Admittedly not the most plausible death of the series, nor the most pleasant.

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I'm a scriptwriting graduate and a keen writer. A huge Doctor Who fan, amongst other things. I'm a teacher, novelist and occasional DJ with many interests.