10 Most Brutal Moments In The MCU

4. Thor’s Hand Gets Chopped Off By Loki - Thor: The Dark World

Avengers Endgame Thor Thanos
Marvel Studios

What to do when the opponent can summon a weapon to his person any time he wills it? Cut off his hand so he can’t hold it.

In Thor: The Dark World, when Thor and Loki are about to attack the Dark Elves, Loki is seemingly at it again with a betrayal. He stabs Thor in the side with a dagger, leaving the Thunder God fumbling down a hill. When Thor tries to summon Mjolnir, Loki chops off his hand.

How would anyone think this would ever happen? Nothing like this type of body horror had taken place in the MCU before, and the film even allows the audience to see the severed insides of Thor's arm for maximum impact.

Sure, Phase 2 had the tradition of arms being chopped off, but it was always in the context of people with healing powers or villains who will never be seen again. There was nothing near as sacred as the arm of a central superhero, nor as graphic as the insides of human physiology being shown in full view to the camera.

Of course, this was all part of the Odinson's plan to catch the Dark Elves off guard. Loki did not actually chop off Thor's hand, and it was all merely an illusion.

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