10 Most Cursed Horror Films To Watch This Halloween 2020

5. The Conjuring Franchise

The Conjuring
Warner Bros. Pictures

James Wan's Conjuring franchise has become a collection of one of the most popular horror films of the 21st century, following the 'true events' of famous psychic and paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren in a series of narratives based on their recollections including demon nuns, creepy dolls and possessed children.

Even after adapting the stories for the big screen, the spooky happenings happened on set as well, forcing many of the cast and crew to think twice about their next job booking.

Actress Vera Farmiga who took on the role of Lorraine Warren for the movies claimed that she was so scared of the story and its ghostly following that she never brought the script of The Conjuring in to her own house. Crew claimed that a gust of wind strangely followed them wherever they went and Farmiga woke one morning to three lashes on her laptop screen.

But that's not all. In The Conjuring spin off Annabelle, following the demon spirit inside of a creepy doll of the film's title name, director John R. Leonetti saw three fingers drawn through the dust on multiple occasions and one member of the cast playing the famous demon missed a death experience by inches as a glass fixture fell on to his head.

The event took place in the same area that a murder scene was about to be filmed.


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