10 Most Dangerous Cinematic Aliens

7. Species - Sil

Alien Xenomorph

Posing as a woman, this alien’s entire purpose is to mate and slowly take over the world.

When a team of scientists combines alien and human DNA, they create a female hybrid named Sil, who grows at an alarming rate. After they decide that their creation might represent a threat after all and attempt to kill her, she escapes, instinctively planning to produce offspring.

Sil’s main threat lies in her deceptively ordinary or, for the sake of conventional perspectives, extraordinarily attractive appearance.

Her beauty hides a predator with above average strength, agility and intelligence, who also possesses regenerative abilities.

Her aim to mate and create a brood that could rule the world shows her working on a bigger scheme, something that not many cinematic aliens do.

Sil’s alien form was designed by H.R. Giger and its shape may have been deliberately sexualized, considering some of the film’s themes.

The absurd idea that a female alien could be “more docile and controllable”, in the words of Ben Kingsley’s scientist, serves to place Species and its antagonist ahead of its time.

Sil could also be interpreted as a metaphor for a woman in charge of her sexuality, particularly taking into account the scene in which she kills a potential rapist.

Far from just the pretty exterior, this creature is a deadly force not to be taken lightly.

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