10 Most Depressing Things About Justice League
5. They're Still Rushing Things

That image of Batman against a blood-red sky looks absolutely jaw-dropping, but what it symbolises has us worried.
One of the biggest problems with the DC Extended Universe is how rushed everything has been up to this point.
Dawn of Justice felt like a convenient way to fast-track the Justice League's key players towards a team-up outing to rival The Avengers, but Marvel Studios did it the organic way, laying the ground work on a film-by-film basis.
With Wonder Woman hitting all the right notes critically and commercially, and Justice League in the can, one would think DC and Warner might relish the prospect of dropping the pace from sprint to marathon, but they're still rushing things.
DC's pulls out its red sky trope when something is amiss with the Multiverse, a collection of infinite Earths that play host to alternative versions of the publisher's iconic heroes and villains.
Lo and behold, after showing that trailer the studio went on to announce that The Flash's solo outing will be based around the reality-bending Flashpoint event, which feels like too much too soon.
Status quo shattering events based around the Multiverse should be an endgame for some of these characters, so having one before most of the Justice League have enjoyed a solo outing feels premature.