10 Most Devastating MCU Deaths

7. Gamora - Avengers: Infinity War

Tom Holland Spider Man Infinity War
Marvel Studios

Thanos was so determined to collect all six Infinity Stones and correct the universe that he was willing to do anything he had to. This even stretched so far as sacrificing the only thing he loved in the entire universe in order to procure the Soul Stone on Vormir.

Gamora had been something of an outcast from the very beginning of her journey in the MCU. She was abandoning Thanos and wasn’t about to form any other alliances until it became absolutely necessary. In doing this however, she found herself a family.

By the time Infinity War began, she was happy. She was saving the galaxy, she was in love with Peter Quill, and her life with Thanos was completely behind her. Until it wasn’t. Her fear of her father was plain for anyone to see, and when she was kidnapped, Peter tried to offer her mercy, but the Mad Titan simply didn’t allow it.

On Vormir, Gamora’s realisation of what was about to happen to her was horrifying to watch, though nowhere near as bad as seeing her body lying broken on the ground beneath the cliffs. This was as gut-wrenching as it was shocking.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.