10 Most Disappointing Action Movie Sequels Ever

5. The Matrix Revolutions

Taken 3
Warner Bros.

The Matrix will always be remembered as one of the best and most influential action movies ever made, and despite doubling down on the philosophical pseudo-babble in the sequel, Reloaded still delivered some show-stopping set-pieces along the way, before Revolutions saw the franchise almost disappear completely up its own a*se.

It speaks volumes about how poorly audiences reacted to the trilogy-closer that it earned over $300m less at the box office than its predecessor, despite arriving in theaters less than six months after Reloaded had become the highest-grossing R-rated movie in history by a country mile.

Instead of being the epic conclusion to Neo's story that we were all hoping for, Revolutions instead bordered on the pretentious as the Wachowskis seemed to run out of big ideas, deciding to focus on the CGI razzle-dazzle at the expense of a coherent plot or any sort of excitement at all.


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