10 Most Disappointing Action Movie Sequels Ever

4. Termninator Genisys

Taken 3

Fans have become more than accustomed to disappointing Terminator sequels over the last few decades, with Dark Fate's poor performance at the box office reportedly hammering the final nail into franchise's coffin, which is ironic given that it received the strongest reviews of any installment since 1991's Judgement Day.

Terminator Genisys may be the second most lucrative entry in the long-running series having been saved from disaster by Chinese audiences, but it still ranks as the worst in a long line of subpar sequels. Acting as a sequel, prequel, remake and reboot all at the same time, Genisys tries to tap into the nostalgia market and fails, only reminding audiences of how brilliant Terminator movies used to be.

Emilia Clarke and Jai Courtney may make for photogenic leads, but between them they can't muster a hint of personality or screen presence to convince even the most open-minded of fans that they have the potential to lead the franchise into a brave new era.

For the third time in a row, we were told we were getting the Terminator movie that we'd always wanted, one that would open up a whole new world of fresh and exciting adventures. And for the third time in a row, fans were left bitterly disappointed.


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