10 Most Disappointing Action Movie Sequels Ever

3. Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull

Taken 3
Paramount Pictures

The Last Crusade ended on a seemingly perfect note, as Indiana Jones literally rode off into the sunset, drawing a line under one of the greatest trilogies ever committed to film. However, the almighty dollar talks louder than most things in Hollywood, and after almost 20 years stuck in development hell Harrison Ford dusted off the fedora and returned to action.

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull isn't the wretched cinematic abomination that the internet would have you believe, but it still isn't a worthy successor to the original trilogy by any stretch of the imagination. There's a great movie buried in there somewhere, but Steven Spielberg and George Lucas just didn't seem too interested in trying to find it.

Instead, we got a standard adventure flick that came slapped with the Indiana Jones label that went CGI mad on everything from fridge-nuking to vine-swinging in a movie that gave a lot of people an irrational hatred of gophers, despite many never having seen one in real life.


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