10 Most Disappointing Action Movie Sequels Ever

2. A Good Day To Die Hard

Taken 3
20th Century Fox

It would be fair to say that most people are in agreement that Die Hard should have remained a trilogy. After a twelve-year hiatus from our screens, John McClane's return in the fourth installment provided a decent enough action movie, but it wasn't Die Hard either, with our hero now bulletproof and able to take down fighter jets with his bare hands.

A further six years passed before Bruce Willis agreed to reprise his signature role once again, and the fifth movie made Live Free or Die Hard look like the original by comparison. Despite playing the character that has defined his entire career, Willis brought the same level of energy and enthusiasm to his performance that he did to most of his output since the turn of the millennium, namely very little at all.

Teaming up with his emotionless and robotic son played by Jai Courtney, the McClanes set about steamrolling their way through an entire country to become bastions of international relations in a string of derivative and uninspired action scenes that cemented the Die Hard franchise's permanent descent into mediocrity.


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