10 Most Disappointing Horror Movies Of 2019 (So Far)

7. Ma

Ma Octavia Spencer.

Having Octavia Spencer and Juliette Lewis together in a horror movie should have been cause for serious celebration. Add Luke Evans to the mix and you've got yourself a very interesting, very talented cast.

And with the concept of Spencer playing a sort of Misery-style obsessive who attempts to befriend a group of local young kids by providing them with a basement to drink in and a set of rules they can't break, there's a good mix in there. But it just never really gets out of first gear, sadly, even when the self-styled Ma starts killing everyone in sight like she's watched Home Alone on acid.

Spencer is typically good and very watchable, but the film is a little derivative, a lot nasty and nauseating and it never seems to know what its tone is supposed to be. The fact that you may struggle not to laugh as Evans is castrated says a lot.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.