10 Most Disappointing Horror Movies Of 2019 (So Far)

2. The Prodigy

Jackson Robert Scott THE PRODIGY
Orion Pictures

Horror films that are clearly not original can get by on the strength of their performances and - more crucially - on their scares. Unfortunately for demon child movie The Prodigy, the almost complete lack of a fear factor isn't enough to make this anything other than a crashing disappointment.

Usually, you can depend on a creepy kid to sell a few solid scares and it does start quite well, building a good atmosphere. And Taylor Schilling is likeable enough as the central mother faced with the Sophie's Choice of protecting or killing her clearly satanic son, but she would have had to have exhibited charm off the scale to drag this old out of the doldrums.

It's just lazy and the fact that it squanders good talent is unforgivable.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.