10 Most Disappointing Sci-Fi Movie Sequels Ever

5. The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Terminator 3
Sony Pictures Releasing

When it comes to Spider-Man sequels, it goes without saying that the Tobey Maguire-starring Spider-Man 3 is undoubtedly the most divisive of them all - so much so that it unexpectedly ended up being the last in Sam Raimi's classic franchise. With that in mind, you'd think Sony would have learned its lesson when it came to producing Spidey's follow-up film series. Unfortunately, they did not.

While the first Amazing Spider-Man film rehashed some familiar plot points, it did contribute its own interesting ideas - ideas that should have been followed up on in the sequel. And yet, history repeated itself as The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was - like Spider-Man 3 - bogged down with too many villains, while attempting to do far too much at the same time.

A case in which the most disappointing is also the worst, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was a meaningless follow-up to a film that had a lot of untapped potential, failing to explore said potential as it substituted some of its only original narratives with predictable plot twists while just cramming far too much into one film. And because of that baffling decision to revisit past mistakes, Spidey's future was once again cut short.

That is, until the MCU saved the day.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.