10 Most Disturbing Movie Endings Of All Time

7. The Mist (2007)

The Mist Ending
Dimension Films

The Mist is a good, if at times slightly generic, Stephen King adaptation, which makes the bleak, brave and brilliant ending all the more surprising.

It’s hard to imagine the studio were too happy with Frank Darabont changing the conclusion in King’s novella so that protagonist David kills four people, including his son, as an alternative to being eaten by the creatures in the mist. Not exactly a feel good moment.

However, what sets this apart and elevates it to being one of the more disturbing horror endings in recent memory is the fact that immediately after sacrificing his young son, the army show up. If only David had waited a couple of minutes his son would still be alive and they would have been saved.

It leaves a bad taste as it converts the typical monster movie ending of the army showing up to save the day so that everyone can go back to their happy lives. Here Frank Darabont doesn’t afford his characters, or audience, that luxury.

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