10 Most Disturbing Movie Endings Of All Time

6. The Strangers (2008)

The Mist Ending
Rogue Pictures

The most disturbing thing about The Strangers is that when it’s over it all feels rather pointless and even anti-climactic. There are no twists, no slasher sub-genre killer reveals in which we find out they actually know the victims, and there is no motive.

Though the lack of resolution could be somewhat frustrating, it’s the banality of the ending that says something even scarier than any twist or reveal; that murder sometimes is just that, murder. And sometimes it can happen just because you’re home. In the end, the need for answers is more impactful and unsettling than the actual answers could ever be.

It also challenges the audience to question why they want to watch people being slayed on screen, especially when all plot and narrative comfort zones are removed from the equation; a bit like a less eloquent version of Michael Haneke’s Funny Games.

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I'm pretty good at writing screenplays, news articles, film & TV lists, short stories and reviews. Terrible at writing bios.