10 Most Disturbing Ways To Die In Sci-Fi Movies

7. Annihilation - Genetic Refraction

Jason X Frozen

In Annihilation, a team leads a scientific expedition into a giant zone that has become surrounded by a shimmering bubble that whoever goes into doesn't come out. We find out that the reason for this is everything inside is a victim of genetic refraction.

It's complicated, but in basic terms, the shimmer rewrites your genetic code and rips it apart along with any other genetic material in the area, then splices everything together. All of your flesh gels with everything else in proximity to you very slowly.

Your own body on a molecular level distorts, and it happens at a gradual pace where everything from your fingerprints to your brain is affected.

In the film we see soldiers intestines moving on their own, one of the team's body slowly refract into plant form with grass and vegetation growing out of her body and the infamous scene where a half-dead bear and woman's bodies bind together with horrifying results.

Even if you survive all of this, your mind will slowly come apart at the seams too and your sense of reality distorts so massively you either resort to suicide, like Kane in the movie, or you'll eventually succumb to madness until the other effects take hold.

It's what makes Annihilation one of the most uniquely disturbing horror films to have come out in some time.


Crazy fan of MMA who also loves his films.