10 Most Eerily Disturbing Still Shots From Horror Movies

9. Helen's Teary Eyes - The Blair Witch Project (1999)

The Blair Witch Project was something of a revolutionary film when released back in 1999. Not only did it spawn the found footage craze that has dominated horror and spilled over into mainstream cinema ever since (naughty Blair Witch!) but it also played with the boundaries of what was and wasn't "real" in film. The story went that this tale of three film students stalking the Black Hills of Burkittsville, never to return, was completely legit - their legacy this footage, discovered long after their disappearance. Even when it became obvious that this was "just" a movie and that claims of authenticity had been hyperbolic at best there was a strange atmosphere to the low-budgeter that unsettled all who saw it. Ripped from a key sequence (you remember those babies crying, right?) this iconic image of Helen, staring straight into the camera, a single tear dropping from her terrified eye, may be one of the most despairing, desperate images pulled from any film. If you go down to the woods today...
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Originally from Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales, now residing in East London with my wife and cat. I'm a member of Ghost Carriage Phantoms, co-owner of Marketstall Records, Editor of #flatoutfucked fanzine, a regular contributor to various music/culture websites and the co-author of a couple of scripts, mired in the endless hell of pre-production.