10 Most Embarrassing DVD Commentaries Ever

4. Arnie Doesn't Understand What A DVD Commentary Is - Total Recall

Twilight Robert Pattinson Kristen Stewart
TriStar Pictures

The commentary for Arnold Schwarzenegger's sci-fi action classic Total Recall is a sure thing of demented beauty.

Not because it provides any illuminating insight into the film's production, but because it's hilariously clear that nobody actually told Arnie what a movie commentary is supposed to be.

As a result, he spends the entirety of the track just describing what's happening on screen in the most basic, on-the-level way possible, while intermittently cracking bad jokes alongside director Paul Verhoeven.

There's certainly comedy value in it, for sure, and it's just one of several commentaries where Arnie obviously, hilariously misses the point, but for anyone hoping to glean some useful information about the making of the movie itself, there's very little to be found.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.