10 Most Embarrassing DVD Commentaries Ever

2. Jean-Claude Van Damme Clumsily "Discusses" The Movie's Themes - Replicant

Twilight Robert Pattinson Kristen Stewart

Jean-Claude Van Damme is generally esteemed more for what he can do with his body than his mouth, and that's perhaps evidenced no better than in his rambling DVD commentary for the 2001 sci-fi trash-fest Replicant.

Van Damme appears on the commentary with co-star Michael Rooker, but because the two recorded their parts separately and the tracks were consequently spliced together, there's nobody sat with Van Damme to rein in his droning, verbose monologues about the movie's themes.

In particular, Van Damme goes off on several titanic tangents about DNA, the under-appreciated art of physical acting in cinema, and the importance of feeling in the world.

Though there's potentially something compelling there, without someone to actually discuss these concepts with, the martial arts legend comes off as doddering and only vaguely coherent.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.