10 Most Embarrassing Fake Accents In Movie History

10. Anne Hathaway - One Day

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0ycNdtiT3Q According to everyone ("science" included), Anne Hathaway is the most hated actress in Hollywood. Despite the fact that she has, like, an Oscar, and was pretty good in The Dark Knight Rises, she bugs the hell out of everybody. When somebody says her name, most people are reminded of an "over-achieving theatre kid that nobody at school liked - except the teachers." They also think of her accent in One Day, which was horrible. The UK is renowned for the insane variation of its accents. Unfortunately, we do not all sound like Dick Van Dyke circa 1962, Michael Caine in everything, or Hugh Grant. The diversity is insane, in fact - so much so, that most of us don't even understand each other, and that's the way we like it. Anyway, in One Day, a romantic comedy also starring Jim Sturgess (who?), Anne Hathaway attempts a Yorkshire accent. The results are not good. So bad are they, actually, that - to this day - nobody can really even work out whether Anne Hathaway is any good in the film. Her Yorkshire accent (Leeds, specifically) slips in and out of three or four other accents, whilst she continually flattens her vowels with what appears to be the backside of a shovel. Stick to singing, Anne. That was nice. That was really nice.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.