10 Most Embarrassing Fake Accents In Movie History

8. Brad Pitt - Seven Years In Tibet

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQYSzCpw9mc Oh, no. No. No. C'mon. Brad Pitt has come a long way as an actor, and he's somebody who has genuinely gotten better as the years have gone by. He also doesn't really attempt to do accents very often these days, and we hope it's 'cause of this little ditty from the early '90s. Seven Years In Tibet. Where he plays an Austrian guy. Well, he's supposed to play an Austrian guy, according to the screenplay and the synopsis and the director. Except he doesn't sound Austrian at all. He sounds... Indian? Or does he sound, like, Irish? He doesn't sound like he's from anywhere close to Austria, anyway, and every time he opens his mouth at any point in the movie, it only serves to distract us from his acting, which may or may not have been good here. We don't know. We just don't know! Still, this flick remains an untapped resource for some hilarious drinking game yet to be invented. Answers on a postcard.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.