10 Most Embarrassing Paycheck Movies For A-List Actors

8. Orson Welles - The Transformer Movie

Robert Downey Jr Shaggy Dog
Paramount Pictures

Do you think that the legendary actor Orson Welles fits in the world of "robots in disguise?" Well, he certainly did not think so.

When he was asked about portraying the voice of Unicron in the 1986 animated film, he was a little insulting with the description. “I played the voice of a toy,” he told his biographer Barabra Leaming. “Some terrible robot toys from Japan that change from one thing to another.” He was even less flattering when going over the plot.

“I play a planet. I menace somebody called Something-or-other. Then I’m destroyed.” It's not that he hated the movie or role, he just didn't take it very seriously. Leaming said that he was rarely angry and did not bash the film too harshly. Most likely, he did not understand that the franchise had a dedicated fanbase behind it.

Nonetheless, most have agreed that he took the role mostly for the paycheck. Also, to put a rumor to bed, a lot of people speculate that he passed away before finishing the role thus letting Leonard Nimoy take over. However, Susan Blu, who provided the voice of Arcee, confirmed that he did in fact complete recording his lines.

At least he fully earned that paycheck.


A freelance writer across multiple platforms. Want to talk favorite movies, maybe which MCU film is the best? Warning, my opinions are Hercules-level strong.