10 Most Embarrassing Paycheck Movies For A-List Actors

5. Halle Berry - Catwoman

Robert Downey Jr Shaggy Dog
Warner Bros

It's truly unknown what Warner Bros. were thinking when developing this Catwoman movie but coherent thought could not have been a factor. First off, Selina Kyle isn't the lead, it's a new character literally named Patience Phillips who's just the most nonviolent sweetheart you'll ever meet.

But when she discovers a disturbing revelation with her cosmetics company's newest product, they go after her and leave her for dead. But do not fear, for she is soon reborn and given new life by the "cat gods." Yes, really. Weird origin stories aside, there should've been some red flags for Berry before she took this role.

There's all the terrible cat puns, the weird "feminine-power" story that comes off very sexist and the fact that she gets high on catnip. If not that, then surely the dumb-looking costume should've been the tipping point. At least Halle Berry is shown to have a sense of humor about the movie.

When she won the award for Worst Actress at the 2005 Razzies, she actually showed up to the ceremony to accept the trophy. She knew it was all in good fun when she admitted she did the role mainly for the money. She even called the film a "piece of sh*t."

Hard to disagree with her.


A freelance writer across multiple platforms. Want to talk favorite movies, maybe which MCU film is the best? Warning, my opinions are Hercules-level strong.