10 Most Entertaining Bad Guys In Action Movie History

6. Castor Troy (Face/Off)

Face/Off may have been the movie that finally pushed Nicolas Cage over the edge into full-blown insanity...and quite frankly, we should all thank director John Woo for letting that happen. As Castor Troy, he treats the audience to a cavalcade of absurd facial expressions and the kind of scene-chewing that would mortify Al Pacino. It's likely Cage refused to rehearse his scenes, choosing instead to snort a line and imagine himself as a talking hyena before the director called "action." Though he plays a fine enough good guy in the movie, Nic Cage-as-John Travolta just isn't quite as satisfying. Also, Travolta had to be just a little embarrassed after seeing the final product and realizing that he got his ass completely kicked in the Who Played The Villain Better category.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.