10 Most Entertaining Bad Guys In Action Movie History

5. Simon Phoenix (Demolition Man)

It's too bad that Wesley Snipes always fell into the de facto protagonist role, because this dude knows how to play a villain with some zest! Acting like he'd just been completely let of the leash for the first time in his career (which isn't that far from the truth, actually) Snipes plays the role of Simon Phoenix with a perpetual smirk and an unending stream of smug one-liners. Whenever Sylvester Stallone and Snipes appear onscreen together, Sly's woodenness only reinforces just how smooth and captivating his counterpart is. Snipes can out-act his counterpart with one feeling tied behind his back, and his presence is amplified every time he lifts his leg to throw a kick.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.