10 Most Epic Star Wars Lightsaber Duels

1. Luke Vs. Darth Vader (Round One) - The Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars Phantom Menace Darth Maul

After two movies, we finally get to see Luke Skywalker fight Darth Vader. Earlier in Empire Strikes Back, Luke trains with Yoda, becoming powerful with the Force. Here, we believe that Luke might be strong enough to take on the great Darth Vader.

And yet, he barely holds a candle to the legendary villain. Even though Vader merely toys with Luke, he's still no match. Every so often, Luke will surprise Vader with a powerful or intelligent strike, but he is still not strong enough.

Even though Luke isn't as strong as Darth Vader, he's the good guy. He has to win, right?


The duel ends when Vader cuts off Luke's hand, sending his lightsaber down into the abyss with it. Luke holds on for dear life, as Vader, with his lightsaber still extended, tells Luke the horrifying (and often misquoted) truth: I AM YOUR FATHER. Vader offers Luke to rule the galaxy with him as father and son, and Luke lets himself fall, utterly defeated.

This duel is the most epic for all the wrong reasons: We go in expecting our hero to win, however, he becomes disfigured, loses his weapon, and discovers that he is the son of the greatest villain in the galaxy. This heartbreaking fight makes Luke, and the audience, more eager than ever to take down Darth Vader.

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Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.