10 Most Exciting Comic Book Movie Revelations From Comic-Con 2014

3. Joaquin Phoenix As Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange Joaquin Phoenix On the whole Marvel Studios were uncharacteristically coy at this year's Comic-Con, failing to reveal any news about the hotly anticipated Doctor Strange €“ not even a release date! However, this doesn€™t mean that Comic-Con didn€™t host a potentially massive revelation pertaining to the Marvel universe which the studio didn€™t necessarily approve of. Previously Benedict Cumberbatch had been shortlisted as the front-runner to play the Sorcerer Supreme but now the project looks like it could have the acting heft of Joaquin Phoenix behind it as the lead. The three-time Academy Award nominee of Gladiator, Walk the Line and The Master was sighted buying comics specifically featuring Doctor Strange in San Diego €“ it may seem innocuous but these things are rarely done by accident. Phoenix hasn€™t denied any of this speculation while Cumberbatch made a point of announcing that he wouldn€™t be appearing as the magical protector of Earth. Joaquin Phoenix would become one of a long list of Hollywood's most talented stars who have made the jump over to superhero films. The weird intensity he brings to proceedings would most certainly be appropriate for Doctor Strange. The star reportedly turned down the role of Lex Luthor in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice so don't count on him playing Doctor Strange until there is official word from Marvel.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.