10 X-Men Movie Moments That Totally Ruled

4. The Sentinels Take Out The X-Men (X-Men: Days Of Future Past)

20th Century Fox20th Century FoxTechnically, this spot belongs to multiple scenes in X-Men: Days of Future Past, because the film toys around with time so much that there are at least two full battles with futuristic Sentinels and one set in 1973, but it€™s that opening fight which is a gift to fans of the comics. The franchise has never been particularly successful in expanding its roster of X-Men beyond the most famous members, and of those chosen few some remain underdeveloped, but the fatal battle with the adaptable Sentinels introduces us to some new faces with style. The scene features Bishop, Warpath, Iceman, Sunspot, Blink and Colossus, and showcases all of their powers as well as Kitty Pryde€™s newly minted ability to send another mutant€™s consciousness into the past. It€™s particularly gratifying to see Blink€™s modest power to open portals used creatively in combat, since X-Men has occasionally squandered the potential of non-offensive powers (see Rogue, for example). Still, most exciting of all is Iceman€™s transformation from Rogue€™s teenaged love interest to mature member of the X-Men, leaping onto an ice slide as if out of the pages of the comics. Wolverine€™s return to the future sadly more or less brings back the original roster with a few minor adjustments, but with any luck, this won€™t be the last we see of the €˜dark future€™ X-Men line-up.

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