10 Most Gruesome Deaths From Kids' Movies

5. Clayton Hangs Himself - Tarzan

Watership Down

Tarzan, a Disney animation which centers on a human boy raised by kindly and intelligent apes, also features a deeply disturbing scene in which the central antagonist accidentally hangs himself.

During the film's climactic final act, Tarzan (voiced by Tony Goldwyn) battles with William Clayton (Brian Blessed), an arrogant poacher who attempts to kill Tarzan's gorilla pals. Although he is given the opportunity to kill Clayton with a shotgun, Tarzan ultimately decides to spare the life of this heinous hunter.

However, entangled in vines, Clayton struggles to escape and reach the ground safely. In a state of panic, Clayton hacks at the vines in an increasingly desperate attempt to free himself. Ultimately, Clayton frees himself from all but one vine. However, that vine is tangled around his neck, and he accidentally hangs himself from the jungle's trees.

This horrifying death is confirmed via a deeply disturbing blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment, where the audience sees only a shadowy glimpse of Clayton's hanging corpse. Although an accident, this remains a truly disconcerting death scene, and of the most disturbing deaths in Disney history.


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