10 Most Gruesome Saw Traps

6. The Scalping Seat (Saw IV)

Saw 3

This one is way more of a slow burner, as it takes some time before things get gory, but once it does, it'll be stuck with you for weeks.

The trap takes place after Officer Daniel Rigg finds a young woman called Brenda in a contraption that has tied her hair to a series of gears. As they slowly grind, they pull her hair backwards and will continue doing so until her scalp is torn off entirely. To save her, Riggs must find the combination or anything to cut her hair with.

In the end, he finds the combination written on the gears, but by that point, Brenda's scalp is already half torn off. Things are then made worse as Brenda attacks him as part of her own game with Jigsaw, and in defence, he pulls further on her dislodged scalp and throws her through a plane of glass.

Ultimately, the easily solvable scalp trap was just a precursor to the real lesson; that being that Rigg's obsession with saving Jigsaw's victims won't change them from acting selfishly. Still, even without the implications, the disgusting image of Brenda's de-scalped head is enough to keep you from combing your hair too rough.

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!