10 Most Gruesome Saw Traps

5. Hooks And Brazen Bull (Saw 3D)

Saw 3

It's a buy one get one free horror with this trap, as it combines two awful scenarios in one scene. What makes the entire matter worse is the nature of how the characters ended up in the trap, as the whole thing was a self-fulfilling prophecy brought on by the lead's desire to garner fame.

Saw 3D follows the journey of Bobby Degan, a self-help guru who published a book discussing his experience in a Jigsaw trap. However, the entire ordeal was fabricated, leading him to his own game, culminating in this nightmare.

He arrives in a room to find his wife - Joyce - chained and surrounded by electric wire. To save her, he's tasked with inserting two hooks into his pectoral muscles and hoisting himself up to a plug, something he'd claimed to have done in his book. He does his best, but at the pivotal moment, his pecs split and drop him to the floor, causing the timer to go off, leaving his wife to be encased in a furnace that brutally burns her to death.

The whole experience is made worse by Joyce's innocence, as she had no idea about her husband's deception. Seeing her body burned to a crisp in excruciating detail added insult to this injury.

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!