10 Most Gruesome Saw Traps

2. The Horsepower Trap (Saw 3D)

Saw 3

Just like the hook and brazen bull trap, this one gives you more than you bargained for, as it contains a plethora of horrifying images, all of which are gruesome and disturbing. Seeing as this was the final chapter in the Saw series - for the time at least - it had to pull out all the stops regarding gore and violence, and thus, this one went overboard.

In this trap, a group of skinheads are stuck in a junkyard. The leader - Evan - is trapped inside a car with his skin glued to the seat. The others are placed around the building, all in danger of being crushed and broken by the vehicle. To stop this, Evan must move forward, tearing off his back skin to reach a lever.

The practical effects are horrifyingly believable, as Evan's skin being ripped off slowly is exactly what you'd picture in real life. Then, of course, it all goes to hell as he fails and sets off a chain of events that cause his girlfriend to have her face torn off by the car wheel, one friend to have his jaw and arms ripped off, and the person in front to be hit by the car as it speeds forward.

You get a lot of bang for your buck with this one, and all of it is gruesome.

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!