10 Most Hated Lord Of The Rings Characters

3. Arwen

Denethor Steward Of Gondor Death The Lord OF The Rings
New Line Cinema

Arwen's role in the Lord of the Rings is a very strange one, in that she is an important character for Aragorn in terms of a love interest, but she appears in relatively few scenes. Most of these aren't even with her love, but are instead with her father, pleading her case to stay mortal for a life with Aragorn.

In any case, any time the movie cut to Arwen and her journey with Elrond, it essentially slowed any momentum that had built up to a complete halt. She had an even slower story than Treebeard, with fans eventually losing patience with her, and a love interest for Aragorn seemed like something of a moot point when literally the fate of the world was at stake.

To many fans, Arwen's role was padded out to more than it should have been, with the character in the movie operating as a merging of her portrayal from the books and one Glorfindel - a powerful Elven warrior who fans of Tolkien's work loved.

It was he in the source material who assisted Frodo after the Hobbit was stabbed instead, and with this the only major thing Arwen contributed to the trilogy, she was largely resented for replacing Glorfindel.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.