10 Most Heartbreaking Sci-Fi Movie Moments

2. Sacrifice – The Iron Giant

Han Solo Death
Warner Bros.

1999 animated sci-fi classic The Iron Giant is fondly remembered by an entire generation.

It has it all: smooth, traditional animation augmented by CGI techniques, a paranoia-fuelled Cold War era setting, topped off with the distinct flavour of small-town America and that same sort of coming-of-age tale of friendship that made E.T. so iconic.

When nine-year-old Hogarth discovers a 50-foot tall alien robot in the forest, he does what any of us would do, and befriends it.

Naturally, their friendship isn't exactly looked on favourably by the US government, and Agent Kent Mansley is sent to investigate Hogarth in order to find the robot.

Before long, it becomes clear that the titular giant is hardly the threat he appears to be, but despite Hogarth's best efforts, the US Government discover him anyway.

What ensues is burned deep into the childhood memories of many - the Iron Giant sacrifices himself to detonate a missile, saving Hogarth and thousands of others in the process. The Giant's final word - "Superman" - is what he chooses to be, and those three syllables are enough to bring anyone to tears.


Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.