10 Most Horrible James Bond Henchman Deaths

5. Necros (The Living Daylights, 1987)

After having dodged bullets, knives, explosions and boiling water throughout the film, it was fitting that a good long drop from the sky is the only thing that could best this jack-of-all-trades assassin.

The film’s climax finds Necros grappling with Bond inside a plane mid-flight, with the prospect of a hidden ticking bomb making a speedy resolution to the scrap all the more crucial. If that wasn’t enough, the plane’s back doors fly open and the two combatants are left clutching a flimsy cargo net for dear life.

There can only be one survivor though, and sure enough, Necros makes the mistake of grabbing onto 007’s boot for support. Her Majesty’s finest doesn’t hesitate to cut his own shoelaces, dropping off a very special delivery to the desert below.

“Death by falling from an airplane” wasn’t completely original; it had also happened to the turban-clad Gobinda in 1983’s Octopussy. Necros, however, also suffered the indignity of keeping an iron grip of Bond’s shoe while screaming incoherently and falling to his doom.

“He got the boot,” replies Bond when questioned afterwards, and indeed, the shoe was a parting gift in every sense of the word… it’s just a shame Necros couldn’t use it to cushion his landing. May God have mercy on his… sole…

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Chest thumping James Bond and Haruki Murakami fanatic living in China. Once had a fever dream about riding a rowboat with Davos Seaworth. He hasn't updated this section since Game of Thrones was cool, and boy does it show.