10 Most Horrible Superhero Movies Since 2000

7. Green Lantern (2011)

Ben Affleck Batman Daredevil
Warner Bros.

Green Lantern isn't quite the disaster critics made it out to be, but when the only credit you can give a film is that it's 'not quite a disaster', you know you're not going to have a good time with it. When all is said and done - Green Lantern is just another forgettable superhero film. And forgettable probably wasn't what they were going for, considering it was the film supposed to kick-start the DC cinematic universe.

It was for this reason that DC threw their entire budget at Green Lantern, and with more comic book mythology to work with than maybe any other member of the Justice League, and a strong cast including Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively and Mark Strong, there's really no excuse for churning out a one-dimensional CGI fest.

I won't name any names, but remember that Green Lantern was written by the same dude that killed off Black Canary on Arrow, and everything will start to make sense.


Writer, serial binge-watcher, Mother of Dragons. Completed Netflix.