10 Most Horrible Superhero Movies Since 2000

4. Elektra (2005)

Ben Affleck Batman Daredevil
20th Century Fox

Whichever brainiac over at Marvel thought that Daredevil needed a spin-off was off his nut, and just the fact that Elektra was ever made is the reason it ranks so highly on this list. Well, that and the fact that it was never good in the first place.

For a film called Elektra, the writers sure go out of their way to make Elektra as un-compelling as entirely possible, in a script so weighed down by self-importance and a complete lack of fun that it's hard to believe it was ever a Marvel movie. It's just not a film any actor wants to be in, and watching Jennifer Garner's performance as the merciless assassin is like watching a fish out of the water. In that it's dead.


Writer, serial binge-watcher, Mother of Dragons. Completed Netflix.