10 Most Horrifically Disturbing Death Scenes In Children's Movies

8. The Accidental Hanging Of Mr. Clayton - Tarzan

TarzanTarzan is, for the most part, a relatively tame and gentle Disney venture (Phil Collins did the soundtrack, after all) - that is until the movie's suddenly terrifying climax, in which the studio decided that they should briefly flirt with their old ways and murder their villain in the most horrific way imaginable. That's to say, when nice guy Tarzan is facing off against colonial nightmare Clayton, Clayton gets himself into a rather awful situation. Caught up in a bunch of vines, he desperately tries to free himself, only to, uh, accidentally "get himself hung." And though this death isn't even a particularly gruesome one, boy does it stay with you when the movie is over. The actual act of Clayton's demise isn't even show on screen, after all - we just get a shot of a vine losing its slack and the implication of his strangled body - but there's something about the thunder and the lighting and the rain, and the weird, demented expression on his face... it just seems a bit too dark for the rest of the movie, which is otherwise about a man making friends with animals imbued with the voice of Rosie O'Donnell.

All-round pop culture obsessive.