10 Most Inconsistent Actors Working Today

6. Dakota Johnson

Dakota Johnson has faced an uphill battle from day one.

With her first outing into mainstream acting being as the star of the questionable "Fifty Shades" franchise, it would have been easy for Johnson to become yet another ruthlessly sexualised young actress (see: Megan Fox, Lindsay Lohan, etc.) whose career never quite recovered from that first stumble.

Yet recover she (sort of) has.

Since the "Fifty Shades" debacle, Johnson has gone on to win great merit with performances in dark and violent productions like "Black Mass" as well as a criminally underrated leading role in the "Suspiria" remake- one of the scariest films to come out in recent memory.

Having said that, she's also made some missteps as well, like her frankly bland performance in "Bad Times at the El Royale,"and her strange choice to appear in the "Need for Speed" adaptation of 2014.

Still, not bad for a woman known chiefly for badly written BDSM fanfiction. And hey, with a few more years and few more smart choices, there's a good chance Dakota will earn enough respect to go from inconsistent to "hey, she's pretty good." Now, if only we could get Jamie Dornan to do the same...

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English Student currently in the process of trying to turn the desire to play video games into the desire to study.