10 Most Insane Confrontations Between Actors And Directors

6. Ellen Burstyn vs William Friedkin

To say that emotions were high during the shoot of the greatest horror film ever made is a huge understatement. You only have to watch the excellent documentary 'The Fear of God: 25 years of 'The Exorcist' to see just how many crazy liberties William Friedkin took on set to get the best out of his cast. Firing a gun next to Jason Miller to shake him up before a scene, slapping William O'Malley in the face full pelt to get him to cry, making actors work for hours on end in a room that would reach 30 to 40 below zero; it's fair to say that the man wanted - and you might argue, got - the best out of his ensemble and he used some extreme measures in getting there. During the shoot for the most infamous scene of the film, the crucifix masturbation, Ellen Burstyn is slapped backwards by the power and might of the demon that inhabits her young daughter's body. To get the effect, Burtsyn had a rope tied around her waist that would be pull her backwards at the moment of impact. After a few takes, Burstyn explained to Friedkin that the stuntman was pulling too hard and that she was concerned for her safety. Friedkin said he understood and went to explain this to the guy who was pulling the harness. He asked him to "really give it to her this time", to which he duly obliged. As Burstyn is pulled backwards, she lands on the floor sharply on her coccyx. If you watch it, you will see the agony that flashes across her face is that of real pain, something director Friedkin could only have dreamed of for such a scene. It was left in the final cut and remains the stuff of movie legend. Who won? Burstyn was so angry that she screamed at Friedkin to get "the f**king camera out of face", which he did. With Burstyn rushed to hospital, Friedkin had his shot; a classic scene at the expense and pain of an actor who still gets angry just talking about it. This is one of the greatest films ever made, so technically, everyone's a winner. Just try telling that to Burstyn's lower back on a cold winter's night...
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Shaun does not enjoy writing about himself in the third person. The rest? I will tell you in another life, when we are both cats...