10 Most INSANE Horror Movies Of 2024

6. Milk & Serial

Mads 2024
Curry Barker

Perhaps the single most unexpected horror movie of the year, Milk & Serial is a found footage horror from indie filmmaker Curry Barker that was released direct to his YouTube channel in early 2024, foregoing typical models of distribution.

While this release model and the film's mere 62-minute runtime might not invite the sunniest expectations, this is in fact one of the most memorably well-executed found footage flicks in quite some time.

Milk & Serial revolves around a pair of social media pranksters - one played by Barker himself - whose continual game of one-upmanship ends up veering wildly, violently out of control. You're better off just watching the damn thing without much wider knowledge of what it is, but needless to say, Barker's smart writing and the naturalistic performances of the cast are effective enough to make you forget about the low-budget project's technical shortcomings.

Above all else, Milk & Serial's viral success suggests a promising new frontier for smart filmmakers who don't need big budgets or studio backing to make a name for themselves. Imagine that.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.