10 Most INSANE Horror Movies Of 2024

4. Stopmotion

Mads 2024
IFC Films

Stop-motion animation filmmaker Robert Morgan made an impactful debut with Stopmotion, a horror that looks quite like nothing else released in 2024.

The brilliant Aisling Franciosi (The Nightingale) stars as Ella, a stop-motion animator who begins to struggle to differentiate between reality and her latest film production.

It's near-impossible not to view the movie as Morgan's expression of the utterly brutal, painstaking process of making a stop-motion project, and this picture simply wouldn't work if its many stop-motion elements weren't so beautifully tactile.

The uncanny fusion of stop-motion and live-action is grounded by Franciosi's unsurprisingly excellent performance, ensuring that, for as wild as it gets, Stopmotion always has one foot planted firmly on the ground.

Given that stop-motion is commonly associated with kitsch in the horror genre these days, this movie offers up a highly creative and unexpected riposte to that stereotype, using the medium to tell a story that only Morgan and artists like him possibly could.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.